December 07, 2003



I spent the final hour of the night comfortably buried under three different heavy blankets, wearing my knit hat with the sheets pulled up over my head. Sitting up, I remembered taking off that ugly blue fleece pullover in the living room leaving it on the couch. I set my feet on the smooth wooden floor, and in a flashing instant I thought, "my room is over an uninsulated crawl space, filled with cold, cold air. This is why my feet sting from the shock of the cold."

Posted by Tom at December 7, 2003 07:38 AM

That is a very detailed thought for having just woken up. Normally my first thought in the morning is, "Who is this I am sleeping next to?" Usually it is Jimmy Fallon.

Posted by: Katie at December 7, 2003 11:53 AM

I wish I could wake up next to the gorgeous Mr. Fallon.

Posted by: Tom at December 7, 2003 12:56 PM
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