October 27, 2003

Fini, part two

Apparently last week (10/21 through 10/24) was the official pick-up-your-tickets window for Gator Growl. According to the nice man on the other side of the glass, I didn't totally screw myself by not picking up my tickets. There will, he says, be anothe opportunity next week. Yay!

That news cheered me up this morning, so when I sat down to simulate the counter I threw together last night, not getting the good results was like rain on a happy parade. Fortunately, I was able to track down the crossed wires and make the fix--a trivial change to the layout.

Here is what you've all been clamouring for:

chip layout

That's the whole chip. If you zoom into that nasty mess on the left side, you'd see the spiking, reduced K2:

reduced k2 layout

Here are the details of the saturating counter, in the lower right. Notice the sneaky and low-grade chip art:

saturating counter layout

There you go.

Posted by Tom at October 27, 2003 10:39 AM
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